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Choose your Book Box below!

  • Da Book Box - Essentials

    Every month
    Perfect for the book lover who needs a new book every month and some matching book swag!
    • Comes with 1 new book
    • Comes with 2 pieces of book swag
  • Da Book Box - Deluxe

    Every month
    Perfect for the book lover who needs a little more book love than the average reader and some great coordinating book swag!
    • Comes with 2 new books!
    • Comes with 3 pieces of book swag!
  • Da Book Box - Premium

    Every month
    Perfect for the book lover who absolutely loves indulging in books and loves her coordinating book swag!
    • Comes with 3 new books!
    • Comes with 5 pieces of book swag!
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